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Win an Ingenuity deluxe baby swing

1 prize to be won!

Enter now to win the Ingenuity Swing 'n Go Deluxe 5-Speed Baby Swing with Cushioned Harness—a haven of comfort and entertainment for your little one. Designed with both baby and parent in mind, this swing offers a perfect blend of soothing motions and secure support.

Customize the swing experience to suit your baby's preferences with five adjustable swing speeds. From a gentle sway to a calming, rhythmic swing, find the perfect setting to soothe and relax your precious bundle.

The swing is equipped with a plush, cushioned seat to cradle your baby in comfort during playtime or naptime. The soft and supportive materials ensure a cozy and relaxed environment for your little one.


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Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 18/10/2025.


Ingenuity deluxe baby swing x1